DH and Professionalization

Though I admittedly dislike the word “professionalization,” my department administrators love to talk about this process and are always asking me how I’m going to distinguish myself as a digital humanists on the market.  Mostly they are talking about building portfolios, creating CVs that are “DH” oriented, etc.  I thought it might be a great idea to have a session on professionalization in relation to digital humanities.  Personally I’m having trouble creating a CV.  Where do I put events like THATCamp, or DHSI?  What can I do, with the two years I have left in my doctoral program, to make sure I’m joining a professional community of digital humanists?  I’m envisioning a rather broad session that can cover an array of topics including what others have done throughout the professionalization process.

Categories: Session Ideas |

About Shawn W. Moore

I'm a third year Ph.D. student in the Department of English at Texas A&M University. My research areas are digital humanities, digital rhetorics, cultural rhetorics, and early English Restoration literature.

1 Response to DH and Professionalization

  1. Lindsey Eckert says:

    Related to this topic is the issue of peer review. I’d really like to discuss getting DH resources through the peer review process that is offered by groups such as NINES. This seems an important aspect of putting DH work on the same level of traditional forms of publication (i.e. journals). For NINES, you have to submit a “Site Rationale and Content” statement. I’d love to know more about how to write such a statement.

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