- Text analysis tools | I’m really interested in hearing more about the text-analysis tools that others are learning about here at DHSI. I took the Text Encoding Fundamentals course and have been encoding with TEI, but need to learn a lot more about what this code enables–and what I can do with already-encoded texts. I’ve spent some time looking through TAPoR and Voyeur but feel there’s so much there I don’t yet know how to try. And I’ve used Wordhoard for the early modern texts I teach and study.
- Teaching DH | What are the ‘big ideas’ and ‘essential understandings’ for courses (grad and undergrad) in DH? What are the key topics? How do you teach writing skills alongside/using DH? I’m teaching “Hamlet in the Humanities Lab” next year and would love suggestions / comments.
- Early Modern DH | I’d like to start a collaboratory of people doing early modern DH projects (roughly 1450-1700) involving TEI: best practices, shared ‘ographies, &c.
- DevonThink, Bookends, Scrivener | Is anyone else using any of these programs to manage their information/bibliographies, and to write? Let’s share methods.
THATCamp Victoria
THATCamp Victoria 2011 is a regional THATCamp to be held on Friday, June 10th and Saturday, June 11th at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada.
It is part of the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) 2011.
Participants: To post an entry here, be sure to login first.
If you have any questions about THATCamp Victoria, then feel free to email the organizer, Jentery Sayers, at jentery@uw.edu.
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- clarissalee on Digital Humanities + Social Justice = “Does Not Compute?”
- Tess on Digital Humanities + Social Justice = “Does Not Compute?”
- Marta S. Rivera Monclova on Digital Humanities + Social Justice = “Does Not Compute?”
- GhostProf on Digital Humanities + Social Justice = “Does Not Compute?”
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I echo Doug about not using Devon Think but seriously considering it. I’m a Scrivener devotee (though I admit I haven’t yet gotten the hang of all the new 2.0 features…) and I use bookends, and used them respectively to draft and to cite my dissertation. I would love to talk about these tools, as well as throwing Mellel as a word processor into the mix!
Here, here! I’d love to make more of my TEI-encoded texts.
I’m not currently using DevonThink, but I’m seriously considering it. I’d love to hear some discussion about it and tools like it.